Can I help you?
Susan is standing by from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. CET on working days to answer all your questions. Just call her at: +31-(0)85-3037400

Our Promise To Be Responsive

We aim to respond to our customers as quickly as possible. We understand that SME business owners need answers fast. We pride ourselves on being able to respond quickly with the right person who can deal with your query. If you are unhappy with our responsiveness, please see “Our Promise To Listen” for how you may escalate your feedback.


  • Every email received will receive a personal response addressing the subject of the email before the end of the following working day.
  • Whilst we will seek to address the subject of the email as soon as possible, a substantive response shall be provided within 3 working days at the latest (unless otherwise agreed with the customer).


  • Our switchboard shall be open from 9am until 6pm Monday–Thursday, and 9am–4.30pm on Fridays.
  • Any voicemails shall be replied to by close of business on the following working day.


  • Letters that we receive shall be responded to by email or by phone within three working days.


  • We may try to contact you by SMS and/or social media, although we will only respond via such channels if we have initiated the contact via that channel.

Our Promise To Be Transparent

We are always happy to talk you through our processes, policies, values and decision-making.  As a lending organisation most decisions are based on a combination of our risk appetite and growth plans for Swishfund.  However we are happy to go into more detail with you to help you understand our approach.

Credit Assessment

Our credit assessment is based on information from business and personal credit reference agencies, as well as other information from you business bank account, filed accounts, Big Data (such as social media) and other information that we may require from you to build a full picture for assessment by our experienced underwriters and credit analysts.  We are happy to explain how each piece of information helps us in our credit assessment.

Pricing and security

  • We have built a Risk-based Pricing Model which uses machine learning to help us balance the risk of delinquency / default with the drop-off rate due to market competition.
  • We may require security in order to agree a loan, or we may make security optional as it may affect the pricing of the loan.


  • We are able to provide you with Statements of Account and Settlement Figures within two working days of your request.
  • We may contact you with Swishfund, SME and industry information from time to time during the term of your loan.  If you do not wish to receive additional information from us then please let us know and we will remove you from our distribution lists.


  • We will always explain our policies and decision on your request, and we will always let you know prior to incurring any third party costs or expenses.
  • Our primary communication with you shall be to the email address you have provided, and the phone numbers we have or have discovered.  We may contact you by letter, SMS and social media, because communication is key to understanding each others’ position and finding solutions together.

Our Promise To Listen

Your opinion matters to us.  We need your feedback in order to help us prioritise our projects, and to help us focus our creativity and innovations. We believe that excellent customer service is a differentiator, and the only way we can be the best is by really listening to our customers and work to make your experience as positive and delightful as possible.


  • We will send out 2-3 questionnaires to you during the course of the application stage and during the term of the loan.  These questionnaires are short, but focussed on our values of Clarity, Responsiveness, Flexibility, Accessibility and Transparency.
  • The data from your surveys is analysed monthly, by being compared against results from your previous surveys, and collated into periodic groups of surveys for each stage of the customer journey.


  • From time to time we will ask you directly about our customer service.  In essence we are looking to discuss over what we should (1) Stop doing, (2) Start doing, and (3) Continue doing.
  • We may also ask you about innovations we are planning, to see whether they matter to you and to help us prioritise against other innovations.

We love to hear from you

  • Please feel free to write to us or call us to discuss customer service at any time.  We want to hear from you.  We believe that, as a lender, we are in a partnership with you to help your business grow; and the best way to keep a partnership healthy is to communicate.
  • We have a formal complaints procedure if you want to go down that route, or you may at any time contact the Andrew Jackson, the Managing Director, on his direct line: 0333 006 2305, and at andrew.Jackson@swishfund.co.uk (and state in the subject “CUSTOMER SERVICE SLA”).
  • Your voice will be listened to.  We have monthly customer service reviews in the UK team, and the Managing Director reports to the Group Board on a quarterly basis in respect of our customer service results and learnings.